Morten Løkkegaard 

Short bio

Born on 20 December 1964
From Helsingør, Denmark
Studied at Denmark's Journalist Folk High School

Fun fact

During the corona crisis, he has had ample opportunity to watch some TV. He would like to recommend the series 'Vikings' – especially the first four seasons. Like most Danes, he has had the Vikings involved in his life through many history lessons, but their story has never really caught him.

We need more Denmark in Europe and we really must have more Europe in the world. Now let's go out and fight that battle – I'm looking forward to fighting it with you ! "

Profile on European Parliament Website

The road so far..

Lead Candidate for the European Parliament


Member of Parliament's delegation to the Conference on the Future of Europe


Member of the European Parliament and vice chair of the Renew Europe group


 Member of the European Parliament and Vice Chair of the Committee on Culture and Education


Elected at the Danish Parliament in the Ballerup and Glostrup constituencies


Member of the European Parliament

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