ALDE Party HQ Debate watch party


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ALDE Party HQ Debate watch party


Le registrazioni sono chiuse

ALDE Party HQ Debate watch party

Join us in watching the Maastricht debate together at the ALDE Party HQ

The Maastricht Debate on the 29th of April is a major moment in the European Parliamentary election cycle, in which lead candidates come together to debate policy and positions on critical issues for Europe, and for the upcoming term of the EU parliament. So liberal friends, come join us at the ALDE HQ in brussels and watch this important debate together, and cheer on our own Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, on this exiting night!

We will provide the drinks and snacks for the evening of course!


Le registrazioni sono chiuse
Data e ora
lunedì 29 aprile 2024
18:00 21:00 (Europe/Berlin) Aggiungi al calendario

ALDE Party

Rue d'Idalie 11
1050 Brussels
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ALDE Party


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